How Do NGOs Help Disabled Individuals – 4 Key Ways to Improve Life of the Disabled

Disability can be due to many reasons, ranging from illness, accidents, lack of access to timely medical care, and more. It can negatively impact an individual's life. However, many non-governmental organisations (NGOs) work towards helping these individuals and making them capable of living independent lives. Here are different ways how NGOs help disabled individuals: - 

Vocational Training 

It is difficult for disabled individuals to get a conventional job like others but that does not mean that they cannot have a job. With vocational training in skills like mobile repairing, sewing, basic computer knowledge, etc., people with disability can excel in their desired profession. Many NGOs help provide vocational training and make these individuals capable of getting a job and achieving financial freedom.


Physical therapy can be financially burdening, especially for those who are from a backward environment. There are many reputed NGOs that provide physical therapy for disabled individuals. People with physical limitations can take advantage of these therapies and get the physical strength to do things without depending on others. 

If you want to help disabled people donations for their therapy will benefit them in more ways than one. 

Free Education

With education, people can do wonders even if they belong to an underprivileged society. Many disabled individuals also come from a deprived background where they do not have access to quality education. There are several NGOs providing free and special education to children with disabilities so they can create a better future for themselves without any financial constraints.

Corrective Surgeries 

Corrective surgeries are affordable for many people in India. Several NGOs provide free corrective surgeries to individuals with physical limitations so they can lead a better life and change their lives for the better. These surgeries address conditions like clubfoot, cleft palates, congenital deformities, and more. Undergoing a corrective surgery can not only improve the physical condition of the person but also enhance their mental health.

These are some of the ways NGOs help people with disabilities. You can also help disadvantaged individuals in society by donating, volunteering in NGOs, giving food to the poor, and more.


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